Dialog with "endless" table for bulk data entry.
Hinrich Schencking
In the event that you want to enter a lot of new data, it would be very helpful
to have an table in which you can move freely with the cursor.
You should also not have to click on “New” for new data records, because the table
has already "endless" records.
This table does not have to physically be the “original” table in the app,
but it should have the same structure.
This would make it easier to MERGE once data entry is complete.
A modal dialog containing a table of this type would probably be best solution for this.
This “raw data input dialog” is only there for this purpose.
The contained table should already have “endless” data records,
so that you can start entering data straight away.
The table should behave roughly like a table in Excel.
But only in terms of navigation.
This would make it possible, for example, to initially only fill a certain column with data.
So simply enter an 'X', “Cursor Down”, 'X', “Cursor Down”, 'X', “Cursor Down”, ....
Once all the data has been entered, there should be an OK button which will store the rows with data into the Database table in the same way as a bulk edit.
Rows that have not been used are ignored.
It would also be cool if you could copy and paste structured data from other sources like CSV, Excel, etc.